The Girl and The Geek

The Girl and The Geek: Single with no regular job, Go Nanhee starts a new cleaning gig and meets Oh Deokhoo; literally the filthiest, NERDIEST guy she's ever seen! If that wasn't bad enough, his uber expensive action figure goes missing during her shift! Now she's stuck cleaning his messy apartment in order to pay him back.

Can a man who's only ever seen a girl in games and a woman who only fawns over stars on TV... actually fall in love? Genre: Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life

Read all chapters of The Girl and The Geek on mobile or computer, learn all about the main characters of The Girl and The Geek. We selected all the Manhwa and Mangas from the main internet sites (Manhuascan, Mangago, Mangakakalot, Mangaowl and others) with a direct link to the chapters, from the first to the last.

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